
Monday, November 15, 2010

Strip #03: Field Engineer Duty Onboard the Installation Vessel

My tribute to all my Field Engineer friends. No day like offshore day
P/S: I'm currently a Pipeline Engineer, not a Field Engineer


  1. Hi there,

    I'm not with sapuracrest, sapuraacerxy or TLO, although i know bunch of people in there.

    I'm with one of the installation contractor such as TLO.

  2. wow!! nice blog bro..so mostly u do pipeline installation?? how tough of this job??

  3. Yes man.

    I mainly do Pipeline Project. For a Field Engineer, they should be train for Pipeline & Structural Installation Project. However, I haven't have the opportunity to hoop into Structural Project.

    Anyway, I'm now a Pipeline Engineer, running analysis and providing the barge with the methodology on installing a pipeline or a riser or a spool, in detail engineering.

    So, how tough the FE work onboard the vessel during pipeline installation:
    1. During pipelay startup/lay down (start and end of project: it a stressful day.
    2. During pipelay: Not really. Just make sure verything is running good.
    3. Risers installation: stressful and usually miss nights of sleep. ussually haunted by commercial dispute.

  4. so u means that pipeline engineer prepared installation procedure and field engineer implement that procedure and recommended some changes during operation?

    how tough the "FE" work..FE = Field Engineer?

  5. Not the installation procedure but the installation engineering. For brief:
    i. In pipelay
    PE will provide the barge configuration (roller setup, tension setup, stinger setup) & every cases on lay variable such as tension variable, weight variable, water depth variable). PE also will be provide the barge setup for activty on bow string, dead man anchor, abandont and recovery.
    ii. In davit lift for riser installation
    PE will provide the lifting table on which will be use to define each lifting and lowering sequence.

    FE in the other hand will be the foremost and the focus point during the planning duration. They willprovide and becoming the middle man for. Barge setup at site, barge anchor pattern, selection of davit to be used, implemantation of special cases, ordering consumable material, ordering project material, oedering auxilary material, ordering tools. He need to force, accelerate, pled, to other department including the marine captain, the barge superintendent( representing the barge crew/foreman), the project managent, the project contoller, diving department abd ofcourse the engineering department. With all agreed plan/anchor pattern/analysis, FE need to produce/change a installation procedure from a generic installation proc. He will need to get it approve via client anf third party.

    Then at site, he need to force and suit to site with his gut. Well i show the environment allready in the strip. :)

    FE is a tough work due to environment and the dateline. They are the personnel of 2 world, office and site.

  6. wow, tough job and nice comic strip.
    keep it up bro. I'm an engineering student in UTP, about to graduate. Now in final sem. Job hunting now but xde hasil lagi..
    btw, follow u. update la cepat2 sket. hehe..

  7. Will do rafie.

    I taking break now but new strip will be tomorrow. Good luck with the final and the interview soon.

  8. Much respect to the FE. Signed, Subsea Eng (who's having fun with ROV & SAT SYS diving) :P

  9. Ha ha
    Very nice depiction of a field engineers job!

  10. hahha.. golek.. golek.. golek..golek..
    (jatuh dari tilam)

  11. tapi kalo ade2 ape2 problem...biasanya mesti pergi kat SURVEYOR dulu kann...hehe..whos fault??the fooking surveyor fault..haha...jokingg...
